Getting Help with Orders
If there's a problem with things you ordered from WeExistAi, you have to tell us within 30 days. If something was wrong because of us, we'll fix it.
Issues with Delivery
If your package doesn't arrive or is damaged, you need to let us know within 30 days after carrier said it would arrive. We'll take care of it if it's our mistake.
Returning Stuff
If you find a problem with the items or want to return them, you need to report it. If you don't, after a while, the items might go to charity.
Wrong Address or Unclaimed
If the address is wrong and the package comes back, you'll need to pay again for us to send it to the right place. If you don't pick up a package, you'll need to pay to send it again.
No Account or Billing
If you mess up the shipping address or don't pick up the package, we won't send it again. It might go to charity.
Customers Returning Stuff
If you want to return an item, contact us. If it's not a problem with the item, like you changed your mind, you will need to pay for the return.
Rules for EU Customers
Some customers in Europe can't return personalized stuff or opened things for safety. WeExistAi can say no to returns sometimes.
I hope this helps!